Because you are here, you are welcome.

South Seeks Your Input on New Use for Manse

South Church is opening a community conversation on the future of its Manse—a gracious building on Broadway formerly used as a home for its clergy. Our Manse Use Committee would love to hear your ideas for the Manse’s next use. Please share them here. Unfortunately, all Manse Open Houses have been cancelled for March. More.

'This Heart Contains' at the Donald Gallery

Katie Reidy, local owner and teacher of two after school children’s art programs in Hastings-on-Hudson, displays her joy, depth and vibrancy of soul with a showing of spray paint on canvas pieces through March 23rd. Join Katie for the gallery opening on Sunday, February 16th at 11:30 am with light refreshments. More.

8:30 am – choir practice in the sanctuary with Dr. Amir. 10:00 am – Worship service in the sanctuary with Minister Margery Rossi. 10:00 am  – church school for children 5 – 12 in Fellowship Hall with Marie-Louise. 11:30 am – coffee and conversation. Soup Sundays (soup after church) are the first Sunday of each month. 

South Church is an affectionate  abbreviation for South Presbyterian Church in Dobbs Ferry, New York.

That we are a Presbyterian church tells you one thing among many about us. We are diverse in many, many ways – including in what we believe – and we celebrate that richness. We are also unified – by curiosity about the way of Jesus, and in the belief that we can make this world a better, kinder, more just, more whole and more connected place. This is our sacred calling but the work, we know, begins with being human. We know we need to be rooted in community and spiritual practice. And so, we have agreed to be on this journey together and to see where it leads. Join us.