Lenore Person

South Church and Friends/Midnight Run Christmas Eve Party On the Streets

Hello — The Party on the Streets 2022 will be different from recent years: We are joining in on a Party that is being hosted by Hitchcock Presbyterian Church in Scarsdale. This means our prep work is a bit less than prior years – but we still need your help. Here’s how:

Advent Party 2022 is on Sunday, December 4, 4:00 to 7:30

South’s Advent Dinner is a wonderful evening full of laughter, good food, close friends, children and adult crafting, caroling and the lighting of the South Church Christmas Tree. It doesn’t get better than that… All are welcome! But, PLEASE rsvp with Laura Giannone: legiannone@yahoo.com or sign up in Fellowship Hall on the kiosk.

An opportunity to turn guns into garden tools

South Church is invited to collaborate with First Presbyterian Church in Yorktown for a Guns to Gardens event on Saturday 12/10/22 1- 4 PM. If anyone is interested in participating in this modern version of “beating swords into plowshares” during this meaningful time of year, please let Pastor Margery Rossi know. “I would love for you to join me […]

ATTENTION DONORS to the “Sanctuary for Immigrants in Westchester” campaign

Regretfully, the project that was envisioned by this campaign was not able to move forward for many reasons, including the major interruptions caused by the pandemic. As we emerge from the closures and restrictions of these past two and a half years and address the challenges that remain, we would like to close the account […]