Dear Families and Friends of Community Nursery School, We have kept our red door open these past two years during the worst fears of families unsure how to proceed safely for their children. Our incredible staff – truly heroes on the front line for early childhood – held it all together as we devised ways […]
Category: Uncategorized
Welcome, Margery Rossi!
A warm welcome to our new pastor, Margery Rossi! She joins us on May 1, 2022. “I am enthusiastic about South Church’s heart for social justice, mission and ministry, and eagerly look forward to becoming part of the community,” said Rossi. “I joyfully anticipate the kinds of ministry that God will call us into, together.”
Lent at South Church – a Ritual for Ash Wednesday at Home
The South Church community’s Lenten journey has a special theme this year: Six Ways of Knowing: Encountering God, Ourselves and One Another through the Senses– Sight, Smell, Hearing, Taste, Touch and Intuition. Each Sunday service will focus on one sense and invite you to reflect on how you have, are or hope to encounter the […]
Pastoral Terms of Call
We begin 2022 by launching our search to find a new pastor for South Church. Please see below for the members of our search committee. Here are our terms of call–our vision for the position–a document which has been approved by the Hudson River Presbytery’s Committee on Ministry.
Welcome to First Unitarian Society of Westchester
Please join us in welcoming First Unitarian Society of Westchester (FUSW) to South’s campus beginning this Sunday, November 14. Our communities’ mutual commitments to deepening spirituality and advancing justice opens possibilities for collaboration and partnership.